19 Posts Published


November 13, 2020




I came into this world wanting to enjoy every second of it .
When I was younger I wanted to try everything and tried hard at it both good and bad . Then a pattern started to emerge , watching Grandma slowly slipping off when I was being rocked to sleep was a difficult one for my  little brain to compute . Then I had this weird seat mate at primary school who confided in my about when she would die and it happened that messed me up for a long time .

So I started my own private research into death and dying . I could not answer the question what makes some live for long and  others not so much ? If God is in charge of our lives why the disparity ?
This curiosity followed me to the brief time in medical school as I observed a cadaver being dissected in Anatomy , I was thinking every step of the way , this was a person who lived, laughed , cried and possibly loved?

Then further study of science revealed to me that our cells are actually dying and when they die could be determined by so many factors , many of which we are not really in full control of . Please don’t get me wrong, you can eat healthy and exercise and that has its place but when I remember very fit athletes collapsing and dying , it jolted my imagination . When I further extend my thoughts to those who die in car, plane accidents etc,,, then it occurred to me death is inevitable. The only thing we have control over is how we live.
This conclusion made me sober and also helped me to stop being afraid of death and dying .

I was going to live to the fullest and impart many lives in the process. I was going to discover purpose , pursue purpose and succeed at my purpose and I was going to exit satisfied I had done all I could and with a smile on my face .

Each day took on a new meaning and I knew it was actually a countdown and I needed to justify what I use time for. I’m not suggesting you get so serious that you don’t laugh or enjoy the moments rather I’m suggesting living in a focussed way as to optimise your opportunities and celebrating the small victories  along the way.

The Bible states that God has set a boundary and is aware of how long we will live , it also states that our life is like a mist or vapour that goes too quickly The Bible categorically claims that there is an afterlife of which this is a precursor to.
My questions to you the reader , how are you living? What happens to you after death?
We can rationalise the opinion held by many that there is nothing after this but are you sure?
My decision was simple I was going to follow the advice from the scriptures that says , unless a seed abide by itself and die , it won’t bring much fruits. I was going to die before the day of my actual death . Die  to vanity , arrogance , pride , inordinate sensual pursuits , anger and unnecessary arguments . I decided to die to strife , bitterness , deep hurts that used to torment my hearts and actions of others that used to keep me up late at night . I was going to die to self and allow, Jesus to water my seed and for Christ to give my life increase.
My testimony is my life has taken on such a greater meaning and success as I live successfully each day by dying to self one day at a time .
